With us NOW!

Hello my lovely people,

Today we are celebrating World AIDS day. Being part of the HIV community I try to contribute in as many ways as possible to fight HIV stigma and discrimination. So as HIV Stigmafighter you can see me connecting and speaking up digitally and physically, globally and locally.

This year’s theme is ‘Let Communities Lead’. As regular readers know, in previous blogs I have been pointing out how important it is to be part of thriving local communities and making sure that our achievements are shared and celebrated at the global level as well to continue inspiring eachother in our fight against HIV stigma and discrimination.

I am very proud of my close connection to the Irish HIV community. My first contribution as HIV Stigmafighter to the Irish community was last year when I was part of a photo exhibition on people living with HIV, organised by Steven Doyle, joined Robbie Lawlor’s and Lady Veda’s Pozvibe podcast, and attended the HIV Ireland conference.

Fun at the Pozvibe podcast with Robbie & Veda
Ireland here I come (Photo: Sil-Hong Won)

Today I am proudly joining the Irish community as Eric the dragking ‘a colourful black ray, stomping stigma away’ at the famous The George nightclub in Dublin! Being part of this amazing entourage already earned me the title of Irish talent.

On stage I am excited to join artist and activist Luis Noguera which is a very special moment as Luis is also our newest Hero of Hope on our Stories of Hope platform. Please read Luis’ touching story of overcoming HIV stigma and shame!

Luis Noguera (Photo: @ciarangildea)

To me these past two year of working with the Irish HIV community to fight HIV stigma in so many creative ways is a very good example of how local HIV communities should lead our global drive to fight HIV stigma. We need our partners to seriously listen to us to make sure that addressing our challenges, ideas and solutions are made core in global and local HIV action.



A vivacious HIV community

My lovely people, these past few days I have been very proactive and this is really boosting my confidence and energy as well.

Last weekend I was invited to give a THRIVE workshop during the 4th National HIV positive Day, an initiative by Utopia_BXL, which aims to bring together the Belgian HIV community and partners in Brussels, Belgium. This was a great opportunity to share THRIVE with the HIV community as a valuable contribution to living and ageing healthily with HIV.

The THRIVE workshop was scheduled in the afternoon after a morning mostly filled with presentations and discussion about quality of life, challenges of the migrant community in Belgium, etc. Following these, THRIVE is perfect as it is engaging and fun. In a THRIVE workshop there is no time for boring powerpoints or keynote speakers. No, THRIVE is all about being lively, excited and energetic. In other words about being vivacious!

THRIVE started by exploring the dreams and aspiration of the HIV community and our allies. This was the first time ever to use the unique dreamtrees co-designed with our thrivers. And participants were really passionate about making their own dreamtrees and eager to share their pieces of art. Aren’t they lovely?

What is so good about the dreamtree is that by sharing their future, the participants get very practical hints and tips from others on small steps they could take now. And also on how to remain patient and focused on achieving their bigger dreams.

The favourite game for many participants was our brand new addition, the Tower of Trust! They really loved the feature built into the game where you can ask questions that have been bothering them and that they would never even ask to their own family, friends, or doctor…

This was their chance to pose them by hiding them in the Tower of Trust. So, with all these questions hidden in the Tower, no one will know who posed it.

Then, when any question is drawn, we would discuss together without any judgement. Participants really loved this game because they have so much freedom to express themselves anonymously and then have lively discussions about issues that are bothering the HIV community. Many wished we would have more time to play it!

Example of a tower of trust question: “Why am I the only person in my entire family living with HIV?”

The final three steps (Spark, Grow and THRIVE) we celebrated being part of the HIV community. I ‘sparked’ the party with a poem called ‘It is my time to fight HIV stigma’. And yes, it was my debut to cite it in French! We then learned taking some baby steps towards living positively, Africa style, and finished the workshop with a positive dance, energized by some sweeping Africans songs.

What a workshop! I understood it was very much appreciated by the participants and some requested if we could do it again in future. It gave me immense joy to see that my vision to live and age healthily with HIV can be put into action by the HIV community itself.

I am so proud that THRIVE can be a part of creating a vivacious HIV community!

